Plant Tour: SMI Composites Engaged in Tech-enabled Factory Transformation

Last week, we had the privilege of doing a plant tour at SMI Composites, a high-end auto parts manufacturer renowned for its technological advancements and commitment to excellence. This tour provided an eye-opening look into how SMI integrates cutting-edge technology with a strong focus on workforce development and safety.

SMI has grown revenues by 10X over the last 3 years and the workforce has expanded by 5X. As you can imagine, productivity has only increased as the company has scaled in size.

We learned how SMI started with one small building and expanded to a 4-building campus, one of which used to house a clothing retailer. The property now sits on several acres of land and thousands of sqf in production and office space. A true American Manufacturing success story

During the tour we learned how some iconic auto parts for the Corvett and the Cadillac are design and produced. SMI also has aerospace, medical, and sports applications. In this photo, Veronica Braker from Southwire and Ram Sukumar from Hexpol look on as Rob Cushard explains the craftsmanship and detail that goes into manufacturing a carbon fiber corvette part.

SMI is at the forefront of technological advancement, this doesn’t mean that human touch a and craftmanship are disregarded. Craftmanship continues to be a diferenciator when it comes to luxury products. In this photo, Rob Cushard, General Manager at SMI, explains the level of craftmanship that goes into every part.

Participants on the tour were introduced to a range of advanced technologies, including AI-driven systems and visual recognition tools, designed to streamline production processes and enhance safety protocols. In this photo, Rob Cushard explains how the team used a vision system to identify opportunities for safety and efficiency improvement.

These advancements have allowed SMI to maintain a competitive edge in the industry, ensuring high-quality products and efficient operations. In this photo, Rob Cushard (center) explains how lidar technology is being used to automatically transport pallets of carbon fiber parts around the plant to Troy Magruder, Director of Manufacturing at World Technology Ingredients (left) and Matt Harakan, recent graduate from the MS Industrial Engineering program at the University of Wisconsin (right).

One of the key takeaways from the tour was the realization that technology alone cannot drive success. Effective leadership is essential to harness the full potential of these advancements. In the photo, a machine operator loads carbon fiber parts into a large conclave, where parts are cured before proceeding to the finishing department.

Participants discussed their insights and highlighted the importance of placing the human component at the forefront. It became clear that without great leadership, even the most sophisticated AI systems and visual recognition tools are not a replacement for the human element. In the photo, Rob Cushard explains how AI is being used to analyze the movement of people and objects to identify opportunities for improvement in real-time.

At SMI, leaders are committed to using technology as an aid for growth and development, rather than as a means of micromanagement or punishment. This servant leadership approach prioritizes the well-being and development of employees, fostering an environment where technology enhances rather than hinders.

In the photo, a finishing technician responds to a question that Calvin Williams, founder of Impruver, asks about the process.

The SMI plant tour underscored the vital importance of servant leadership in a high-tech manufacturing environment. By prioritizing people development and leveraging technology as a supportive tool, SMI exemplifies how to create a harmonious balance between innovation and genuine human relationships.

In this photo, a quality assurance lead assesses tooling to ensure that it is in proper working conditions.

A highlight of the tour was learning about SMI’s implementation of Impruver, a Continuous Improvement software that aligns the company’s strategy across all levels of the organization. This tool has been instrumental in driving SMI’s commitment to continuous improvement, enabling them to identify areas for enhancement and implement solutions swiftly and effectively.

In the photo above, Rob Cushard explains how the team uses the Impruver Storyboard to manage the department’s Continuous Improvement journey

We hope to see you at the next tour! Register to our mailing list to be in the know:

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